
17 September 2024

Human chain demands transfer of `corrupt’ official in Sarishabari

Published: 20:28, 2 September 2024

Human chain demands transfer of `corrupt’ official in Sarishabari

Mostak Ahmed Monir, Sarishabari

In a dramatic display of dissent, local residents and health complex staff in Sarishabari held a human chain and protest march on Monday, September 2, to demand the cancellation of an official transfer order involving Abu Hannan, the chief assistant accountant at Jamalpur General Hospital. The demonstration took place at the Sarishabari Upazila Health Complex premises, where participants voiced strong objections to Hannan's transfer.
The hour-long protest was organized by officers and employees of the Sarishabari Upazila Health Complex. They expressed deep dissatisfaction with the recent order that appointed Abu Hannan, a figure they accuse of being involved in corruption and abuse of power, to their facility.
Speakers at the protest alleged that Hannan, known for his alleged ties with the previous "corrupt and autocratic" Awami League government, had a history of misconduct. They claimed that he had previously engaged in corrupt activities and mistreated colleagues while wielding his influence. The protesters demanded that the transfer order be revoked immediately, describing Hannan as a symbol of authoritarianism and corruption.
Senior nurse Nurunnahar Akhtar, pharmacist Marafat Ali, and accountant Khalilur Rahman, among others, spoke passionately against the transfer. They emphasized their concerns about the impact of Hannan's appointment on the working environment at the health complex.
"If the order is not canceled promptly, we will be forced to initiate more stringent actions," warned the protest leaders, reflecting the sentiment of those gathered. The protest reflects broader frustrations within the local community and among health workers regarding issues of corruption and administrative misconduct. The demonstrators' strong reaction underscores the significance of their concerns and their demand for accountability and transparency in the handling of public officials.
As the situation evolves, the organizers have made it clear that they will not hesitate to escalate their efforts if their demands are not met, signaling ongoing tensions and a commitment to addressing what they see as systemic issues of corruption within local governance.

