
08 September 2024

Merchandise imports fall drastically

Published: 22:32, 16 July 2024

Merchandise imports fall drastically

Business Eye Report

Bangladesh has recorded a notable decline of 15.54% in merchandise imports during July-March of FY24 compared to the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year, signaling significant shifts in the country's economic landscape.
According to the latest data of Bangladesh Bank, Merchandise imports declined by 15.54 percent during July-March of FY24 compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year. The decrease in merchandise imports is expected to influence Bangladesh's trade balance, potentially reducing import expenditures and addressing trade deficit concerns. The decline in merchandise imports indicates various factors at play, including economic adjustments, global supply chain disruptions, and strategic trade policies. It presents opportunities for enhancing domestic production and optimizing import strategies." Industries reliant on imported raw materials and capital goods may experience operational adjustments, while sectors promoting domestic manufacturing and self-sufficiency could benefit from reduced import reliance.
As Bangladesh navigates the evolving economic landscape, policymakers are expected to focus on bolstering domestic production capabilities, promoting export-oriented industries, and ensuring sustainable trade practices to optimize economic resilience and growth.
