
08 September 2024

RAB-10 arrested six drug dealers in Faridpur

Published: 21:30, 16 July 2024

RAB-10 arrested six drug dealers in Faridpur

Nissan Chowdhury, Faridpur

RAB-10 arrested six drug dealers including Phencidil and Ganja in two separate operations. CPC 3, the agency also seized two microbuses and an autorickshaw for transporting drugs.
A press briefing was held in this connection. RAB Captain KM Shaikh Akhter, provided various information to the journalists.
Journalists from various print and electronic media were present at this time.
In the press briefing, he said that on Sunday afternoon, a raiding team of RAB-10, CPC-3 Faridpur camp came to know based on intelligence information that some drug dealers had left for Faridpur via RajbariSadar Police Station of Rajbari district with a consignment of drugs from Kushtia district. After receiving the news, the raiding party of RAB-10 took a strategic position in the T&T Para area under the Rajbari Sadar police station of Rajbari district.

A microbus coming from Kushtia was stopped at approximately 5:10 pm, at one stage of the search, a total of 100 bottles of Fensidil and 5 kg of ganja were recovered from the microbus with an estimated value of Rs.4,50,000/-. Meanwhile, 2 drug dealers were arrested.

