
19 September 2024

Interim govt must not be allowed to fail: Tarique Rahman

Business Eye Report

Published: 23:59, 17 September 2024

Interim govt must not be allowed to fail: Tarique Rahman

Stating that the current interim government must not be allowed to fail, BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman on today said Bangladesh will advance to the election roadmap along the path of reforms.

 “Some activities of this government may not be considered a success by all. But we all have to remember that the failure of this government is the failure of all of us and the failure of the pro-democracy people of Bangladesh. So this interim government can in no way be allowed to fail,” he said.

The BNP leader, however, stated that the current government must also be cautious not to fail due to its own activities.

Tarique Rahman made the remarks while virtually addressing a mass rally in front of BNP’s Nayapaltan central office.

BNP arranged the rally marking the International Day of Democracy. Party Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir presided over the rally.

The BNP leader said the interim government is working to restore order in the country following the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s fascist and despotic regime.

He said though the fact that Hasina, the "head of the mafia clique" fled the country, their beneficiaries and evil forces have continued to challenge the interim government from within the administration or under the guise of politics.

“The people will not allow the government to fail amid various provocations from home and abroad,” Tarique said.

He said the current interim government is the outcome of the supreme sacrifice of thousands of martyrs and the mass uprising of millions of people.

Tarique Rahman recalled the contributions of those who sacrificed their lives, were maimed, wounded, lost their eyesight, or became permanently disabled in the struggle for democracy. “They will be remembered with deep respect by the democracy-loving people of the country.

He expressed hope that the state would recognise their contributions and fulfill its responsibilities towards each affected family.

 “The regime of the fugitive autocrat, formed without an election, became known both domestically and internationally as the government of the Mafia, by the Mafia, for the Mafia,” he observed.

Tarique Rahman stated that this mafia regime had made the country fragile in every aspect. “It turned the nation into one entirely dependent on imports, debt, and external influences. They bankrupted the country's banks and siphoned off over 17,00,000 crore taka abroad from the country.

He said Bangladesh's foreign debt has now surpassed $100 billion due to the reckless corruption and looting by the autocratic regime ousted on August 5. “Any child born in Bangladesh now inherits a debt of at least Tk 150,000 per head, even without any personal cause.”

The BNP leader said the mafia regime not only rendered the country economically fragile, but also destroyed the country’s socio-economic, cultural, and political norms and all institutions, including the administration, judiciary and police administration.

“They completely devastated the country’s law enforcement agencies in its pursuit of partisan interests,” he said.

After the mass outburst against injustice and anarchy, the BNP leader said the head of the mafia gang fled the country ending the mafia rule of exploitation.

“The main obstacle to building a democratic-humanitarian Bangladesh has been removed through the escape of the deposed dictator. But the garbage of 15 years left behind by the mafia has not been removed,” he said.

Tarique said a democratic and accountable government in Bangladesh will be established through people’s votes after removing the mess.

“In Bangladesh, as in any country, a government formed through a popular uprising is necessarily a government of the people. So, the people continue to support the interim government and will continue to do so. But at some point, accountability of the interim government must also be ensured through an elected parliament,” he said.

In such a reality, the BNP leader said establishing an elected parliament and government through the political empowerment of the people must be the foremost target of all the reform activities of the current government.

“For this reason, reform efforts should be made to establish an accountable government and parliament formed by elected representatives. Without political empowerment of the people, reform processes cannot be sustainable or effective,” he said.

Stating that direct involvement of the people is crucial for the success of development, democracy, and reforms, the BNP leader said ensuring every voter's right to vote through a free, fair, and impartial election, and allowing voters to elect their desired representatives, is the key to guaranteeing political empowerment for the people.”

To achieve this goal, he said it is essential to prioritise reforms, particularly in the Election Commission, public administration, and law enforcement agencies, to make them 'effective and suitable'.

“The interim government has already initiated several reform efforts. But the BNP believes that if the interim government fails to prioritise agenda-setting, conspiratorial elements may exploit various opportunities to undermine the success of the popular uprising. Some signs of such conspiracies have already become evident,” Tarique viewed.

He said the forces in favour of Bangladesh may need to make further sacrifices and cross more hurdles to build a Bangladesh free of inequalities, as desired by students and the people.

The BNP said this goal must be reached through patience, tolerance, and understanding instead of the path of terrorism, conflict and revenge, or retribution.

Mentioning that a change in power isn't just a transfer of authority, he said it means a qualitative shift in the state and politics.

“So, every political leader and worker must keep it in mind that for a qualitative change in politics, there must also be a qualitative change in their own behaviour. So, I urge you to prepare yourselves to lead the knowledge-based state and society with wisdom, rather than being swayed by temptation or provocation," Tarique said.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said the student-led mass movement has created an opportunity to establish a democratic state. “We must not waste this chance through imprudent actions,” he warned.

He urged the people of the country to stay vigilant to ensure that no one undermines the success of the uprising.

The BNP leader called on the government to support the victims of the mass movement by providing appropriate compensation and allowances.

BNP Standing Committee members Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Mirza Abbas, Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan and Dr AZM Zahid Hossain, among others, addressed the rally.


